
An initiative of Knapp Strategic



Accessiversity Labs is an innovative accessibility and usability testing and learning lab. We offer organizations a safe, proactive way to “dip their toe in the water” to assess how well they’re doing when it comes to accessibility by conducting assessments of their web site, software products, mobile applications, business processes, etc. 

What makes us different is that we utilize actual individuals with disabilities to perform live testing of these web sites and systems to provide for an authentic “accessibility experience” so our clients will understand how someone with a disability will be interacting with their web site or system. 

To achieve compliance with Federal Section 508 standards and the latest WCAG 2.1 AA (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), hybrid accessibility teams consisting of experienced IT professionals and individuals with disabilities (who regularly use screen reader software and other adaptive technology) will perform thorough evaluations. The Team is committed to identifying enhancements needed to resolve outstanding issues that assure your organization’s systems provide an optimal user experience.

Plus, we have several IT solutions providers available to assist on more technical projects who we are able to refer clients to if they need assistance with remediation of accessibility issues or would like help with a complete system redesign.

Basic Service - High-Level Accessibility Assessment: 

  • Utilize automated testing tools to generate detailed issues report of customer’s web site 

  • Test customer’s web site utilizing JAWS screen reader software to verify essential functions and identify accessibility issues *

  • Test customer’s web site for mobility device accessibility using the Apple iPhone/iPad *

  • Generate a summary report including recommendations

* Some restrictions apply

Accessibility Consulting Services (Hourly/Retainer Contracts):

  • Perform manual testing of customer’s web site and/or software systems utilizing JAWS screen reader software to verify essential functions and identify accessibility issues 

  • Perform manual testing of customer’s web site and/or mobile applications for mobility device accessibility using the Apple iPhone/iPad 

  • Review and evaluate MS Word documents, PDFs, PowerPoint presentations, and other materials from a user experience/accessibility perspective

Scenario Based Simulations:

  • Perform in-depth analysis of a specific web or software application through a series of “real time”, scenario-based tests

  • Provides a cost-effective, practical way for designers/developers to include accessibility-specific use cases as part of their regular user acceptance testing

  • Can be utilized throughout design, development, and deployment phases as a way of identifying/prioritizing needed enhancements to support an iterative, agile-based development process

Accessibility Training:

  • Facilitate presentations/group training sessions covering the basic “do’s and don’ts” of designing web sites and software systems that are user friendly from an accessibility perspective

  • Ideal for helping orient your design/development teams to basic accessibility issues so your organization will be better equipped to create more accessible sites/systems from start to finish

  • 2-hour, half-day, full-day, and multi-day scheduling options available, based on the type/amount of training being requested

Accessible Metrics - Automatic Accessibility Testing For Your Website:

 Through our partnership with Web Ascender, Accessiversity Labs is able to leverage the Accessible Metrics platform to supplement its manual testing services with this automated testing tool for performing baseline accessibility scans of customer web sites…

What is Accessibility?

Web accessibility means providing a way for all visitors to use and interact with your site, including those who require the use of assistive technologies. This means your site works with a screen reader, videos use subtitles, colors have suitable contrast, and it is navigable with assistive devices.

Does Web Accessibility Apply to Me?

An accessible website is important for every business or organization seeking equal access for all customers and constituents. Furthermore, web accessibility carries legal implications:  

Web accessibility under the ADA: Lawsuits have been filed against businesses, universities, cities, libraries and many more for failing to provide equal web accessibility. 

Web accessibility under Section 508: Federal agencies and those that receive federal funding must make websites and web applications accessible under Section 508 legislation. 

How Can I Make My Website Accessible? 

Web accessibility does not have to be complicated. The first step towards website accessibility is testing. A full-scale accessibility test will show where obstacles exist, so you can fix them. Regular monthly scans will allow you to detect any issues that arise as you add content or change your site.   

Automatic Monthly Web Accessibility Testing For Your Entire Website

Regulatory Compliance Testing

  • WCAG 2.1 AA

  • ADA

  • Section 508

Detecting Accessibility Issues

  • HTML Markup

  • Iframes & Embedded Media

  • Image Tags

  • HTTPs/SSL Security

  • Load Speed & Performance

  • Broken Links


Our IT Solutions Providers

A.J. Boggs & Company

Addis Enterprises

Change Media Group

Good Fruit Video (For Producing Accessible Video Content)

Web Ascender

Contact us for a Free Consultation:

Chris Knapp, Accessiversity Labs CEO


Accessiversity Logo, Thumbprint with pink, blue, turquoise, black and purple font